The UOC is committed to innovative, quality teaching, prestigious research, a rapid response to social demands for lifelong learning and effectiveness when conveying and disseminating knowledge to society, while strengthening the links with the social, cultural and economic reality of Catalonia.
The University aims to continue to act as a benchmark for quality and a factor in the transformation of the university system through ongoing innovation in methods, resources, learning tools and the role of university faculty.
Thus, the UOC seeks to ensure that it has an academic team comprised of the best professionals in the field of university teaching and research, who, besides being leading lights in their area of expertise, are also experts in online teaching and in the strategic use of digital technologies. They are able to work in networks while maintaining a commitment to the objectives of both the University and the faculty or centre they form part of.
Academic staff carry out activities aimed at establishing a quality, open university that is committed to society and able to apply effective teaching and learning methods.
The UOC's academic staff consists of the faculty members, the research staff and the affiliated teaching staff.
Faculty members
The academic activity of faculty members integrates the set of functions that must assume throughout his academic career:
Faculty members are responsible for designing strategies and creating innovative learning situations and environments, contributing improvements and good teaching practices to the university system, and guiding and ensuring the effectiveness and quality of the learning process
Faculty members’ research functions are linked to actions, tasks and work that help generate and disseminate scientific or technological knowledge. They undertake this research either individually or as part of a research group
Innovation is the result of the process where new ideas meet social or economic needs and demands and generate new products, services or organizational models that are valuable to society
Institutional and academic leadership activities
Faculty members' academic activities may include taking responsibility for managing their faculty, centre or programmes.