Steering Committee (SC)
Responsible for leading the process:
- Àngels Fitó, rector
- Antoni Cahner, general manager
- Teresa Guasch, vice rector for Teaching and Learning
- Xavier Vilajosana, vice rector for Research, Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship
- M. Jesús Martínez-Argüelles, vice rector for Governance and Academic Policy
- Manel Jiménez-Morales, vice rector for Alliances, Community and Culture
- Pere Fabra, general secretary
- Ciro Llueca, deputy general manager for Research and Knowledge Transfer
Monitoring Working Group. UOC HRS4R Implementation and Monitoring Committee (IMC)
Responsible for implementing and monitoring the process:
- Marc Gonzalez, director, Personnel Department
- Bàrbara Morral, director, Reference Centres
- Núria García, human resources business partner, Reference Centre for Research
- Mònica Falqués, human resources business partner, Reference Centre for Teaching
- Monica Sosa, director, Organizational Culture and Talent
- Vanesa Martín, director, Specialization Centre for Remuneration and Legal Affairs
- Maite Iriarte, director, Institucional and Institution-wide R&I Initiatives
- María José Santos, personel officer, Specialization Centre for Talent
- Francisco Javier Agradano, personel officer, Reference Centre for Research
Advisory Working Group. UOC HRS4R Advisory and Working Group (AWG)
Responsible for providing advice and support in the implementation of the process:
- Àgata Lapedriza, research group leader, eHealth Center, AIWELL, R3
- Alba Colombo, programme director, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R3
- Albert Solé, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R3
- Aura Esther Vilalta, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R3
- Carles Méndez, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R2
- Carme Carrion, researcher, eHealth Lab, and member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R3
- Cristian Tanasescu, researcher, IN3, GlobaLS, R1
- Daniel Aranda Juárez, member of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R3
- Daniel Amarelo, doctoral grant holder, R1
- Elisenda Ardèvol, member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R4
- Elvis Gerardo Ortega, doctoral grant holder, R1Eulàlia Hernàndez, member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R3
- Ferran Adelantado, doctoral programme director and researcher, Doctoral School, Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, and WiNe, R4
- Francesc Xavier Medina, member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R4
- Gemma Chiva, member of the Faculty of Health Sciences, R3
- Gemma San Cornelio, programme director, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R3
- Helena Rifà, programme director, Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R3
- Ignasi Gozalo, member of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, R2
- Inma Rodríguez-Ardura, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R4
- Irene Montiel, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R2
- Ivan Serrano, researcher and member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, IN3, TURBA, R2
- Javier Borge, research group leader, IN3, Complex Systems, R4
- Jessica Viloria, director, Legal Office
- Joan Carles Medina, member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R2
- Jordi Conesa, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R4
- Julie Wilson, member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, R3
- Julio Meneses, director, Learning and Teaching Analysis; researcher, and member of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, IN3, GenTIC, R4
- Laura Arantegui, doctoral grant holder, R1
- Llorenç Andreu, research group leader, eHealth Center, R4
- Marga Casamitjana, director, Research Centre and Doctoral Management Office
- Milagros Sáinz, research group leader, IN3, GenTIC, R4
- Miquel Peguera, member of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, R3
- Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, programme director and researcher, Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, IN3, CNSC, R3
- Natàlia Cantó, member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, R3
- Ramon Ribera, research group leader, IN3, TURBA, R4
- Rubén Nieto, programme director, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, R4
- Santi Caballé, member of the Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications, R4
- Sergio García, director, R&I Finance & Budget unit
- Sònia Armengou, technical manager, Research & Media Communications unit
- Steen Knudsen Esquerda, doctoral grant holder, R1
- Victoria Blasco, director, University Law unit
- Xenia Porta, doctoral grant holder, R1
- Zora Kovacic, researcher and member of the Faculty of Economics and Business, IN3, Turba, R2